Everyday herds of people or sheeple as they've been called, are unknowingly lead to an early death. They are told what to eat, what pills to take, and what lifestyle to live, and without reservation they follow that advice. Yet, society is getting sicker and sicker by the day. Hopefully the information you read here will motivate you to explore your own well being. Escape the Herd and discover how to truly be healthy.
I hope this revolutionises healthcare. I am hopeful but I won't hold my breath. This will not become the standard of care any time soon. It will turn out some smart people who will hopefully rock boats and rattle cages. I am interested to see if there will be other institutions that will follow suit with similar programs."Evolutionary medicine is an emerging field that combines the disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology, anthropology, psychology, and zoology with medicine to create new paradigms for investigating and understanding disease. The field is growing both nationally and internationally as leaders from varying fields recognize that novel translational insights can be gained by adopting a functional perspective."
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
This was me Wednesday afternoon. |
In research published June 26 in the journal Molecular Systems Biology, Graeber and his colleagues demonstrate that glucose starvation -- that is, depriving cancer cells of glucose -- activates a metabolic and signaling amplification loop that leads to cancer cell death as a result of the toxic accumulation of reactive oxygen speciesThis basically means starving cancer cells of glucose will result in the death of those cells. These are just a few foods that will provide glucose to the body (including cancer cells); fruit, whole wheat bread, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, candy bars, and sweet potatoes. It is not just sugar that raises blood sugar (also know as blood glucose).
The results of our study challenge the notion that a calorie is a calorie from a metabolic perspective. During isocaloric feeding following weight loss, REE (resting energy expenditure) was 67 kcal/d higher with the very low-carbohydrate diet compared with the low-fat diet. TEE (total energy expenditure) differed by approximately 300 kcal/d between these 2 diets, an effect corresponding with the amount of energy typically expended in 1 hour of moderate-intensity physical activity.
Although the very low-carbohydrate diet produced the greatest improvements in most metabolic syndrome components examined herein, we identified 2 potentially deleterious effects of this diet. Twenty-four hour urinary cortisol excretion, a hormonal measure of stress, was highest with the very low-carbohydrate diet.
C-reactive protein also tended to be higher with the very low-carbohydrate diet in our study,
In conclusion, our study demonstrates that commonly consumed diets can affect metabolism and components of the metabolic syndrome in markedly different ways during weight-loss maintenance, independent of energy content. The low-fat diet produced changes in energy expenditure and serum leptin that would predict weight regain. In addition, this conventionally recommended diet had unfavorable effects on most of the metabolic syndrome components studied herein.
Thrown Together in 10 Minutes
So yesterday was a busy day for my family. My wife and I worked all day. My son when to a "farm park" for a field trip. It is a working farm that people pay money to get tours of. You see, near major urban areas farms become tourist attractions. It was a neat experience for him. My daughter had a swim test in the morning and her last tee ball game of the season at night. The kids were fed by their grandma before the game. By the time we got home at 7:30 my wife and I looked at each and wondered what the heck we were gonna eat.
Soon we discovered that it pays to plan ahead when you forget to plan what to eat at the end of a day. We always cook in bulk so we will have left overs for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. The great thing about nutritious and delicious leftovers is that they are versatile.
I ventured into the fridge to figure out what I could do quickly and easily. We had a spicy rice + chicken dish (made from a leftover roasted chicken), a dozen of the best eggs I can buy, and some steamed greens and broccoli from our garden. I scrambled 6 eggs with the rice and cooked it in left over bacon grease then topped with a sliced avocado. The garden is bursting with greens and broccoli right now. On separate occasions in the last few days, we steamed the mixed greens and the broccoli. I sauteed the two together with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
After ten minutes while using one pan, we ended up with a great meal that I felt confident would nourish us in many different ways. The moral of the post is to cook in bulk as often as you can because you never know when the hectic schedule of life will make it challenging to feed you and your family well.
Organic Cigarettes....Really? |
No one's health is improved by swapping out natural saturated or monounsaturated fats for skim milk, sugars or processed grains.His writing has been leaning more paleo/primal lately. It is going to take more big name "experts" getting messages like this out to the public. Robb Wolf and Loren Cordain do a great job but few people have heard of them. Many more have heard of Dr. Weil. The more we are good examples of health, strength, and vitality, the more our ideas will be taken seriously by the media darlings.
"Drugs don't work.
"We need a different solution.""It is 100% reversible."
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If he would just cut out the red meat... |
“I am allergic to everything in this world, I don’t really digest food very well,” the 22-year-old Hawaiian of Korean descent said. “So I just thought maybe if I cut out gluten, I can feel better because I heard that it causes inflammation, everything ... but it’s been week three and I feel a big difference.”Here is a picture of her before the change:
"I have always eaten in moderation,"I despise that supposed healthy solution to eating right. It rarely works. Eating in moderation got Paula Deen The Sugar. People get sick when they try this as a life long strategy. Eliminate the crap from your diet to help avoid getting chronic diseases.