Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eating in Moderation Will Give You The Sugar

"The Sugar".  A common slang term for Type 2 Diabetes.  Well, Paula Deen has recently announced she has had Type 2 Diabetes for 3 years.  Here is a gem of a quote from her recent coming out party.
"I have always eaten in moderation,"
I despise that supposed healthy solution to eating right.  It rarely works.  Eating in moderation got Paula Deen The Sugar.  People get sick when they try this as a life long strategy.  Eliminate the crap from your diet to help avoid getting chronic diseases.  


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It Shouldn't Be About the Weight

Georgetown personal trainer 

I know this is semantics but I feel it should be understood.  Now is the typical time of year when people resolve to "lose weight".  Why I don't like this goal is it can be frustrating for people if that is the only measure they use to determine their success.  I believe better measurements for people to monitor would be body composition and health status changes.

Many people will be embarking on an exercise program this time of year.  They are going to get serious about consistently doing some sort of activity they deem to be exercise.  This is great and I hope they stick to it.  One of the positive results of this usually dramatic change in their life may be that it shocks their body into adding muscle mass to accommodate this new physical activity.  Over several months it may result in a few pounds of additional muscle which by rational thinking would be great.  This will be counter to one's goal of losing weight but should not be viewed as a negative.  Also, if the diet is changed to a lower carb content than what they are used to they will be consuming more protein and fat than they had before.  This also will help you put on muscle mass.  Putting on muscle is great but it will definitely confuse your scale into thinking you aren't losing weight or are not losing as much as you think you should.  The Bodpod device is an affordable and accurate way to measure body composition.  Find a Bodpod location and see what your actual body fat and lean tissue percentages are.  Measure again in 6 months to judge your progress.   This will give you a more clear picture of the changes going on..

Another possible side effect of this quest to lose weight is an overall improvement in health.  This shouldn't be just an afterthought but a primary goal of anyone who is chronically sick and/or taking prescribed medicine on a consistent basis.  If the diet is cleaned up and the exercise is happening, you will see health improvements.  This should be celebrated regardless of weight loss.  Typically you need to be healthy before you can look great.  Although that isn't always the case.  

As people embark on this journey to "lose weight" they should rethink what they are really trying to accomplish.  If they lost 20 pounds but still had the same body fat percentage and felt like crap, should they be happy?  Goal attained?  This weight loss goal is so redundant and generally unsuccessful, maybe it's time to try something new.  Just get healthy and look better.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Now That There is Funny!

New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less

Sure, this is satire but it seems people are always looking for easier ways to get crap in their mouth rather than slow down and cook a delicious, nourishing meal.  This clip just points that fact out.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"I'm Getting Old"

I hate that saying.  It should be "I'm letting myself get old."  The mind set needs to change.  You need to think young and act young to feel young.  Age is not a condition, it's just a number.  Stop using it as an excuse.....stop letting yourself get old.

What permanent changes are you willing to make to feel younger?